Coffee is, without a doubt, the drink of choice for most people of working age in the UK, with national consumption exceeding 95 million cups every day. This produces a quarter of a million tonnes of wet Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG), most of which end up in landfills, emitting methane gas which is many times…
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Wind blade recycling has garnered much media attention and is often portrayed as a life-or-death scenario for the wind industry. In this article, we give our rationale as to why it’s not a critical issue and what the industry is doing about it: 💡 Key takeaways: Current wind turbine blades are primarily made of hard-to-recycle composite…
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This guide explains the obligations businesses in the UK have for managing and disposing of their waste. Commercial waste refers to waste generated by any trade or business. For a precise definition of how this differs from domestic waste, refer to our guide on what is classified as commercial waste. This guide covers: Simpler Recycling…
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✅ The importance of waste segregation: A deep dive into the importance of waste segregation, including environmental impact, public health and economic benefits. ✅ Waste segregation and the laws: Exploring the law regarding waste segregation, including key laws, initiatives and penalties for noncompliance. ✅ What challenges may you face with waste segregation as a business: Investigating…
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