Ben Brading Bio

Ben Brading

Ben Brading ACA, BSc (hons), ARCS.Ben is an expert in digital comparison services. Ben is a qualified accountant and has ten years of experience working in finance for high-growth tech companies, including uSwitch, Cazoo and Zoopla. Ben holds a degree in Physics from Imperial College London, recently ranked the sixth best university in the world.ACA, Chartered Accountant, ICAEW,BSc (hons),Imperial College of LondonAssociate of the Royal College of ScienceLinkedIn profile

Sanitary waste legislation Sanitary waste obligations for businesses

This guide outlines the regulations and legal obligations for businesses in the UK that generate sanitary waste. Below is a summary of the key obligations for businesses: According to workplace regulations, sanitary waste bins must be provided in staff and public toilets. If your business generates more than 7kg (approximately one full bin bag) of…

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Rural landscape Waste management for rural businesses

Businesses in British urban areas have numerous options for commercial waste collection, but choices in rural locations are often severely limited. While local councils are required to collect waste from even the most remote homes, they are not obligated to provide this service to businesses. In this guide, our waste experts summarise the best practices…

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Devolved Policy and Regulations Commercial waste contracts

Commercial waste contracts typically do not include a ‘cooling-off’ period, so understanding the key terms is crucial. Our business waste experts have highlighted the five most important points when reviewing a commercial waste contract. 💡We’ve also published a quick reference guide to commercial waste contract terms. Top five things to consider before entering a commercial…

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waste transfer notes Waste Transfer Notes

UK Waste Regulations require businesses that transfer their waste to another party to maintain a signed record of the transfer and keep this for at least two years. Retaining waste transfer notes is essential for demonstrating that your business has taken responsibility for the waste it produces. Failure to provide a transfer note is a…

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Licence Waste Carrier Licence

The waste carrier licence regime is crucial to the government’s strategy to prevent fly-tipping of commercial waste. The rules require that anyone transporting commercial waste must be registered. The potential fines for transporting waste without a licence are unlimited. 💡 If your business wants to transport commercial waste to a local recycling centre, it must…

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What is commercial waste What is classed as commercial waste?

‘Commercial waste’ is a common phrase in the waste industry, so much so that we’ve incorporated it into the name of our company. A lot of people are confused about what is classified as commercial waste and why it matters. The primary importance is: Local councils in Britain must collect and dispose of household waste…

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